13 Saddest Sci-Fi Books To Make You Cry

13 Saddest Sci-Fi Books To Make You Cry

Most people read science fiction books to enjoy the world-building, the adventures, the uniqueness, and the science itself, but sometimes, I like to enjoy sci-fi books that focus a bit more on the dark and sad moments. Here are the saddest sci-fi books that can make you cry or at least make you feel sad for the characters and what they’re going through.

23 Must-Read Genetic Engineering Sci-Fi Books [2023 Updated]

23 Must-Read Genetic Engineering Sci-Fi Books [2023 Updated]

One of the most popular and one of my personal favorite sci-fi tropes is genetic engineering. Sure, spaceships and aliens are amazing as well, but genetically enhanced people with all kinds of abilities are the best way to create a super interesting world unlike ours. Without further ado, here are some of the Best Genetic Engineering sci-fi books for you to read…